Mainstream schools refer directly to the NWSSSS for preventative work and emergency planned places are agreed with schools, parents and the LA.
The Operational Guidance document is used to guide admissions.
School Referral Information
Referrals for the Early Intervention Programme are made via secure email to the Headteacher. The closing date for referrals from schools is always the Friday after half term.
Referrals to other intervention programmes are discussed with the school, Headteacher, Local Authority, Behaviour and Attendance Partnerships and IYFAPs in each area.
The NWSSSS operational guidance document provides information about referral processes and Emergency Planned Placements. All schools are provided with a personalised referral form at the beginning of the school year - please note there is a single form for all referrals.
When a learner in a mainstream school has met the criteria for permanent exclusion an Emergency Planned Place may be offered at the NWSSSS and this decision lies with the mainstream Headteacher. There is no referral process for permanently excluded students; admission to NWSSSS in this instance is organised through the Local Authority.