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Short Stay School

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Attainment and Progress

Outcomes at North West Surrey Short Stay School

We strongly believe that students need to develop resilience and skills to manage their own behaviour, in order to ensure enduring success.


For each student there is a unique pathway, with each learner having their own starting point and their own journey; comparisons are difficult as backgrounds and starting points vary.


Achievement is measured from different starting points for individuals and success takes many different forms.


It is vital that each learner is equipped for the next stage of their education.


Our expectation of all students at North West Surrey Short Stay School

  • Students who attend for an intervention programme and return to mainstream are able to apply the strategies and be successful with their reintegration
  • Students who attend or have attended programmes can always conduct themselves in a way, which will enable them to take an active and functioning role in society in the future
  • Students achieve the maximum targeted academic outcomes
  • For Year 11 students - a secure post-16 pathway which is sustained for more than 1 term
  • Students are aware of their ability to make behaviour choices and are able to apply these with increasing success, independently, over time

Outcomes Data for NWSSSS students

Destination Data

These documents provide information on the progression pathways of students who left our school in Year 11. We track this information through personal contact and our work with other agencies.
