Our outreach programme is designed to support students in their mainstream settings and prevent them from having large amounts of time away from their regular learning environment.
The objectives of the programme are:
Improve student attitude
Improve student engagement in mainstream school
Increase student academic progress
Prevent fixed term exclusions
Improve attendance
Support SEMH needs of individual student
The sessions are designed in conjunction with the referring school, in order to best support the students and focus on areas of need. Our staff will visit the student in school, as agreed, and provide feedback after each visit. Our Home School Link Workers will coordinate with school and home in order to provide feedback.
The outreach programme is six weeks in duration.
The twelve week programme is an onsite (at NWSSSS) programme that has the following objectives:
All of outreach objectives
Prevent permanent exclusion
Support student engagement and progress
Students will not be accepted onto the 12 week programme unless they have previously completed the six week outreach programme.